This particular procedure removes the infection while allowing you to keep the tooth intact. The tooth will be weakened afterward, and thus needs strengthening, so a crown is often placed.
What is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a procedure that is used to get rid of an infection inside of your tooth. First, after a local anesthetic, a hole is drilled at the top of the tooth. The pulp is removed, along with the dead, or dying, nerve. The canals inside the tooth are cleaned, disinfected and shaped, leaving the interior hollow.A rubber-like material, known as gutta-percha is used to fill in the empty space, which seals the canals inside the tooth. However, the tooth still needs strength and protection against potential contamination. This is where the crown comes in.
Dental Crown
A crown is a dental restoration, often made of ceramic, that acts as a cap, providing strength and protection for a weakened tooth. In order for a crown to fit properly, and naturally, in your mouth among the rest of your teeth, the natural tooth needs to be shaved down.This usually takes place right after the root canal, and a mold is taken that is used to create the crown. It can take upwards of two weeks for a crown to be made, so until it is done, you will be given a temporary restoration, which will help to seal out bacteria.
Placing the Crown
]After the final restoration is ready, you return to the office for your prosthodontist to check for fit and color. If everything looks and feels good, then it is cemented into place. If the tooth doesn't have enough structure to hold the crown in place, a post may be put in so that the crown doesn't come loose or fall out.After your crown is placed, you can care for it just like you would the rest of your natural teeth. And you should continue to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and exams. If, for some reason, the crown does come loose, get damaged, or fall out, be sure to contact our office right away.