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Quincy Gibbs, DDS

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Home For Patients Procedures Performed by a Prosthodontist

Procedures Performed by a Prosthodontist

Posted on 9/5/2022 by Front Desk
Procedures Performed by a ProsthodontistThe field of prosthodontics is very wide. The duties performed by a prosthodontist range from simple wearable recommendations to complex jawbone surgeries. The services offered by prosthodontists can be understood well by looking at the key areas of their operations. The main purpose of a prosthodontist is to give you a beautiful smile and enhance your look. Below are the main medical procedures performed by a prosthodontist.


This is a simple process that involves coating the tooth with a filling that is similar in color to your tooth. This process helps fill cavities in the tooth at an affordable cost.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafting is a complex process where the prosthodontist has to help facilitate the healing of bone fractures in the jaw and teeth. This process is quite time-consuming and involves.


Prosthodontists are also responsible for the installation of artificial teeth also known as bridges. The artificial pieces help cover gaps left after the removal of teeth.


Prosthodontists also perform the installation of dental crowns. They diagnose your tooth decay and decide if you need a tooth replacement. Dental crowns are very simple to install and do not take much of your time.


Denture treatment is a complex process since it does not only deal with the removal of the sick tooth but also touches on the tissue surrounding the tooth. However, it is one of the most complete forms of dental treatment that restores full health.

Full Mouth Reconstruction

The other complex procedure undertaken by prosthodontists is full mouth reconstruction. This is a complex process that touches on the alignment of your teeth, jaw, and the entire structure of your dental formula.


Prosthodontists also administer all types of implants. Implants may range from crowns and bridges to much more complex ones. The good news is that a prosthodontist can handle all types of implants.
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Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

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Mon, Wed, Thurs:    7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Office Location

the Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek

Dr. Keith, Dr. Gibbs and Dr. Wang

(925) 266-3550

1111 Civic Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek: Blog
Dr. Keith and Dr. Petrini have been proudly serving the Grater Bay Area community for many years and pride themselves on performing excellent services in general dentistry and dental implants.
Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek, 1111 Civic Drive, Suite 320 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 / (925) 266-3550 / / 2/10/2025 / Key Phrases: dental implants Walnut Creek CA /