Dentures are dental appliances used to replace lost teeth. Whether you have lost your teeth due to an accident or health reasons, dentures will help restore your smile and oral structure. As much as dentures are helpful, they come with a few challenges; denture sores are one of them. Denture sores can be quite uncomfortable if left untreated. As a denture wearer, it is important to know the common causes of denture sores for future prevention.
If you don't clean or maintain your dentures properly, bacteria will accumulate on them and cause yeast formation. The presence of yeast under your dentures will cause painful sores. It is important to know that the risk posed by a yeast infection is much higher for denture wearers than those with natural teeth. This is because the bacteria can inflame all the areas covered by dentures and cause serious damage.
You can also experience denture sores due to poor-fitting dentures. When dentures don't fit properly, they fall out of alignment and start rubbing against your gums. They can also rub on the top and bottom of your mouth, leading to denture sores in those areas. Furthermore, misfitting dentures can rub against the gums lead to a condition known as bone resorption. This is a painful and extremely uncomfortable ailment that makes chewing difficult. The damage could also extend to the jaw and worsen the condition.
The Adjustment Period
You might experience mild pain during the first few weeks of wearing dentures. This is similar to any other periodontal procedure because your mouth takes time to adjust. Therefore, it is normal to experience denture sores during the first few weeks. However, if the pain doesn't go away after a month or so, you should come in for further checks. Schedule an appointment with our offices if you have any symptoms of denture sores.
Office Hours
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Professional cleanings Mon, Wed, Thurs: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek: Blog Dr. Keith and Dr. Petrini have been proudly serving the Grater Bay Area community for many years and pride themselves on performing excellent services in general dentistry and dental implants. Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek, 1111 Civic Drive, Suite 320 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 • (925) 266-3550 • • 2/5/2025 • Page Phrases: dental implants Walnut Creek CA •