Posted on 1/10/2020 by Front Desk |
![]() Eating certain foods too quickly can cause the posts holding your implants in place to move out of alignment. This means you must be very careful to avoid the following. Hard Foods Should Be AvoidedThe goal during recovery is to eat as few foods that directly come into contact with your implants as possible. Definitely avoid foods such as apples that could get stuck on your implants. Even smaller hard foods such as nuts and potato chips can cause damage because they can get stuck between your new implant. Avoid popcorn during your recovery time, too. Even though it's a softer food, it can still get between your implants and cause some problems.Also Skip Acidic FoodsFoods that are highly acidic can irritate your healing gums, leaving them open to infection. These foods include things such as limes, lemons, tomatoes, and many types of fruit juices. Don't put any lemon in your water or use it with soft foods such as fish while you're recovering, either.You may also want to avoid eating spicy foods. These foods won't necessarily damage your implants, but they can be a little more painful than usual because your gums are still healing up. What Should You Eat? So, what should you eat during implant recovery? Again, anything that's fairly soft is good. Scrambled eggs, pudding, oatmeal, noodles, rice, and bananas are all good options. Smoothies are also a good way of getting a good amount of nutrients without worrying about hurting your teeth. Have other questions about what to eat while you're recovering from implant surgery? Give us a call. |