Posted on 10/25/2018 by Front Desk |
![]() However, getting used to brand new dentures is not an easy thing, and most patients have trouble doing things like talking, laughing, and eating after getting dentures. Fortunately, these challenges are only temporary, and once you get used to them, it will be just like they are not there. If you have recently gotten dentures, or are thinking about getting them, below are a few tips on how to adjust to them. Have Realistic ExpectationsYour brand new dentures will feel like foreign objects in your mouth, and there might even be some discomfort. Due to this, most people want to get used to them as soon as possible and get back to normal. However, adjusting to new dentures is all about patience, and slow and steady is what will work. So, you should set realistic expectations, and not try to rush the process.Practice Eating at HomeBefore your mouth gets used to the dentures, eating will be a bit challenging, and it can be quite embarrassing when eating in public. Therefore, before you start eating in social situations, it is advisable to practice eating at home where there is no risk of embarrassing yourself.Practice eating with various types of food, starting off with soft foods and then progressing to the tough food. Once you are comfortable with your dentures, you can now start to enjoy eating in public. Practice SpeakingJust like with eating, speaking will be another challenge when you get your new dentures. You should therefore practice your speech as often as possible until you are comfortable. Some of the ways you can practice your speech include by reading books out loud and singing.Let Us Help You Get Used to Your New DenturesBrand new dentures can cause some discomfort to your mouth, and make simple tasks such as eating, speaking, and laughing a bit challenging. However, the discomfort is usually temporary and fades after a while. However, if you notice any problems such as prolonged discomfort and soreness, be sure to get in touch with us, your dentists, and let us help you. |