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Home For Patients Is There Any Special Trick to Protecting Dental Bonding?

Is There Any Special Trick to Protecting Dental Bonding?

Posted on 7/20/2018 by Front Desk
Is There Any Special Trick to Protecting Dental Bonding?Dental bonding is a great way to fix discolored, chipped or cracked teeth It can restore the smile that a person wants. It can fix many problems, but it cannot fix the reasons the problems occurred in the first place. That is why it's important to learn how to protect dental bonding. Learning some things can make this procedure last longer and can help a person retain the smile they want.

Regular Dental Care

One of the good things about dental bonding, is that they do not require any special care. Just like your real teeth, it is important to brush and floss daily. Regular checkups and professional cleaning are a good thing to do for your teeth and to protect dental bonding. It is also possible to use whitening products to prevent any discoloration and to keep that bright smile.

Preventing Dental Problems

While the basics of care of dental bonding is the same as regular teeth, there are some things to do that can prevent problems that occur at times. Because dental bonding is often used to fix broken or chipped teeth or to cover up gaps it is not always as strong as real healthy teeth. With that in mind, here are some things to be aware of.

•  Foods - Avoiding hard food and some sticky, chewy food can keep bonded teeth from chipping or cracking.
•  Habits - It is important to avoid habits that can damage teeth. Chewing on pencils, biting fingernails or opening bottles with your teeth is not a good idea if you want to protect your bonded teeth.

Bonded teeth will not last forever. The amount of time they do last depends on many things, including the care that you give them. It is possible to touch up bonded teeth at times.

Our professionals can help with whitening and fixing any damage that happens. If you have problems with bonded teeth or have any questions, contact our office and speak to one of our dental professionals.
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Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

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Mon, Wed, Thurs:    7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Office Location

the Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek

Dr. Keith, Dr. Gibbs and Dr. Wang

(925) 266-3550

1111 Civic Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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Dr. Keith and Dr. Petrini have been proudly serving the Grater Bay Area community for many years and pride themselves on performing excellent services in general dentistry and dental implants.
Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek, 1111 Civic Drive, Suite 320 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 / (925) 266-3550 / / 2/4/2025 / Associated Words: dental implants Walnut Creek CA /