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Quincy Gibbs, DDS

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Home For Patients Can Denture Cements Hurt Your Gums?

Can Denture Cements Hurt Your Gums?

Posted on 1/13/2018 by Front Desk
Denture Cement the Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek CA 94596Denture cement is a hard, brittle material that is made by mixing liquid and powder. They are either resin cement or an acid-base cement for your dentures.

They are used for different things to do with your teeth and dentures including a luting agent, an agent for pulp protecting, and they can also be used for cavity lining. Here is some more information on denture cement.

Will Denture Cements Hurt?

Denture cements only hurt if it is not placed in the dentures the right way. If set incorrectly, it can damage the gums and mouth. However, speak to your dentist before you get this done to ensure you need it.

Provisional Cements
Temporary cement for dentures will need to be made for the dentures for a few weeks to a few months. This depends on the situation your teeth are in. Contact us for more information on this before getting it done so we can make sure this is the right cement for your dentures. This way, we can prepare them correctly for your dentures.

Glass Ionomer and Resin Denture Cements
This kind of cement has evolved with technology. This type of adhesive is preferred to be used for metallic restorations of the teeth. This cement is very thin and is very tolerant to moisture. Not only this, but this cement has also been successfully used with ceramic dentures.

Which Denture Cement is Best for Your Dentures?

You will need to speak to us before you get this done. We will let you know which type of cement, since there are a few of them, will be best for your dental situation. We will need to find out which one is best before we prepare it for your dentures.

Call us or visit our office for more information on dental cement.
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Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

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Mon, Wed, Thurs:    7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Office Location

the Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek

Dr. Keith, Dr. Gibbs and Dr. Wang

(925) 266-3550

1111 Civic Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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Dr. Keith and Dr. Petrini have been proudly serving the Grater Bay Area community for many years and pride themselves on performing excellent services in general dentistry and dental implants.
Dental Implant Center at Walnut Creek, 1111 Civic Drive, Suite 320 Walnut Creek, CA 94596, (925) 266-3550,, 2/8/2025, Key Phrases: dental implants Walnut Creek CA,