Taking Care of Your Gums When Wearing Dentures
Wearing dentures is a constant workout for your gums. Your gums get rubbed a bit as you move your mouth around, which is why it is so important to take your dentures out each night. This lets your gums rest, plus it allows your dentures to soak and get clean. Your gums get to breathe at night while the dentures are out, and when the dentures go back in, you get a fresh, clean appliance up against your gums.Make sure that you brush your dentures at least once per day, and you soak them all night long. This kills off any microbes that were living in the pores of your dentures, and protects your gums from getting many types of infections. The cleaner you keep your gums, the better for your dentures, too. Make it a regular practice to brush your gums at the same time that you brush your dentures, as this will keep your gums feeling better, and let your dentures last as long as possible.
By properly taking care of your dentures, you can keep your gums healthy, and optimize your oral health. Take the time each day to clean your dentures, your mouth, and follow your given guidelines. Then, you can fully enjoy the benefits that come with your dentures. If you have any questions, or if you would like to learn more, please call us today at (925) 266-3550.