How Dental Implants Keep You Younger
When a dental implant is placed into your jawbone, it fuses over time with the bone itself. The bone then stays strong because the bone is being used in much the same way it was with your original tooth. It keeps feeling pressure from chewing, speaking, and general movement, which keeps your body regenerating new bone in that area. With dentures, they only put pressure on the tops of your gums. This doesn't stimulate the bone to keep regenerating. However, the depth of implants automatically stimulates the gums and the bone, causing the bone to get strong and stay that way.By having a strong jawbone, it keeps you from succumbing to the sunken appearance that comes from dentures. The depth of the implants is nearly the same depth as the root of your tooth, which is what keeps your jaw staying strong with your original teeth. This keeps your cheeks fuller, allowing you to remain looking and feeling more youthful.
Prosthodontists are the best specialists to talk to about these problems. Whether you have a single missing tooth or an empty mouth with no original teeth left, dental implants are a great solution. Find out how they can specifically benefit you by turning to your prosthodontist and having an examination done. From there, they can tell you what the process would entail and what benefits you would get out of it. If you have any questions, or if you would like to learn more, please call us today at (925) 266-3550.